Jeremie Jones

Jeremie Jones, composer, musician and sound editor for film, based in Montreal. His work explores the intimate meeting point of acoustic and electronic music. He studied music at Université de Montréal and at the Conservatoire de Musique de Quebec. He has collaborated with dance, video, film and theatre. His work has been awarded in JTTP 2020, coordinated by the Canadian Electroacoustic Community (CEC), Gémeaux Best sound for documentary film, Southern Short Award for Best music for film. As a musician, he has recorded 20 albums and toured over 500 shows in Canada, the USA, England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Germany, Austria and Haiti. He has participated in festivals such as BEAST FEaST, Mantis (Festival of Electroacoustic Music, Manchester, UK) Up to Date, NYCEMF, Festival International de Jazz de Port-au-Prince, Nuit Blanche de Montréal, International VideoMusic Festival, Boston New Music Initiative, Currents (New Mexico), AUDIOR (ITALY), BRRZRK! (DEGEM, German national association for EA practices), Festival Espacios Sonoros (Buenos Aires), Evimus (Electroacoustic and Visual Music _ Saarbrücker Tage für elektroakustische und visuelle Musik), Bowed Electrons (Cape Town), Festival de musique de Créations, Atlin Music Festival, Francopholies de Montréal, Envol et Macadam, People Arts Festival, Festival de Lanaudière.